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Although they limit their users to Australian residents crypro and address, a copy of one ADCA, which is a non-governmental agency renowned for its remarkable giving their users crypto variety, to its registered clients.

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CoinSpot, a reputable Australian cryptocurrency exchange, offers a user-friendly interface suitable for beginners and advanced features like. Australian crypto exchange CoinSpot has suffered an exploit that transferred more than $2 million from one of its hot wallets. CoinSpot is the first Australian Cryptocurrency Exchange to complete an External Statutory Financial Audit. The audit was completed by an.
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The trading fees we analysed were based on the lowest trade volume and the most basic version of the platform for each brokerage or crypto exchange. It caters particularly well to Australian users who prefer trading with Australian dollars and appreciate the added convenience of a crypto credit card. That means crypto is subject to both capital gains and income tax. By Patrick McGimpsey Contributor.