Does robinhood charge fees to buy crypto

does robinhood charge fees to buy crypto

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Does Robinhood Charge a Monthly Fee?
In terms of trading fees, Robinhood can be very attractive. The platform does not charge commissions for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. That's because Robinhood effectively charges you a 0% commission on all your buy and sell orders on its platform. While several other exchanges. Fees. Robinhood claims that it offers zero-fee crypto trading, but the reality is there is still a cost to trading on this platform. While there are no.
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Under certain market conditions, you may find it difficult or impossible to liquidate a position quickly at a reasonable price. Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. How is Robinhood Crypto commission free? Crypto trading may not generally be appropriate, particularly with funds drawn from retirement savings, student loans, mortgages, emergency funds, or funds set aside for other purposes. Was this article helpful?