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Yamakoshi group eth In order to realize a simultaneous bifunctional AFM imaging topography and chemical identification , a unique photo-switchable molecular tripod was designed and synthesized. FitzGerald University of Pennsylvania , Prof. In vivo Imaging. Single molecular detection of ligand-receptor interaction Many biologically important proteins are transmembrane receptors, which are difficult to express in quantity and to crystalize. Unique molecular tripods were synthesized to successfully observe single molecular ligand�receptor interactions. Chemical Force Microscopy.
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Yamakoshi group eth Press Enter to activate screen reader mode. Analyses of transmembrane receptors A recombinant of P2X2 receptor, transmembrane ATP receptor involved in pain transmission, was prepared and immobilized on mica surface. To elucidate mechanistic apporoaches of identifying vulnerable atherosclerosis and to differentiate this type by in vivo imaging, MMP-specific imaging probes are under development. AFM analysis, which is also amenable to the measurements under physiological condition, is an ideal way of mechanism analyses such transmembrane receptors. In vivo Imaging. Garret A. Currently, the chemical reactivity of Gd 3 N C 80 are under investigation.
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